
About us

It's always nice to know who you are talking to, so let us introduce ourselves.

About us

OurDesign logo


OurDesign was founded in 2015 by Karl Eriksson and is a software company based in Stockholm, Sweden. Our main focus is to help, serve and support entrepreneurs and businesses with software and IT solutions. We start with webpages and will continue building more advanced programs and applications as we continue to grow side by side with our clients.

Picture of Karl

Karl Eriksson

Full blood entrepreneur and CEO and founder of OurDesign. Have worked in Australia, Belgium, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands so far. Karl have had his own construction company and also worked as construction manager over the scandinavian countries. Something always seems to drag him back to running his own companies. It is easier to say that he is passionate about software-development at the moment, since the whole list of passions would be several pages.

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You Here

We would love to have you on our team and we are always looking for the right person. Send us your CV or own made projects.

Background image of a cave with the sun in the horizon

"If we look far enough, there is always light to guide us."