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Welcome to the home of the homepages
for businesses and entrepreneurs.

We build your vision (website).
Let us help you get your first website, but first let us explain why.
Here are three reasons to be on the web:


Are you visible?  

You know what they say... What we can't see doesn't exist. Being visible and seeing eachother is a part of being human. It's a part of life. The same with a company and a family. Being seen is the most important for our well-being as humans. The same for companies, that's why it's so crucial for survival to be on the web. Nearly half of all google searches are for local businesses. That's why it is so important to not only be on the web but also be seen on the web. That's why we help with the SEO (search engine optimization) when building your vision (website).


Generate cashflow  

Around 50% of all small businesses have a website in 2020. About 40% of the visitors will not hire or proceed with a company that has a poor website. And the percentage of clients who judge a business seriosity by their website is as high as 39%. Did you know that 50% of all potential clients will choose the company with the best and most responsive website over their competitors. A company usually generate between 10-30% more revenue by having a website.


Build trust  

Mercedes, McDonald's & Windows.
When we're reading these company names they will automatically appear as pictures for us. The Mercedes star, the McDonald's Big Mac and the Windows . Why? - Because it makes us remember more easily. What we remember and know makes us feel safe, and it helps us to make better decisions. That's why we would rather buy a Mercedes instead of a car from a company name that we've never heard about. Same goes for your company, with your clients.

Carving into stone...

Carving into stone used to be a way for humans to make small paintings and descriptions about paths that could involve danger to make sure noone entering the tigers or lions territory, but also to make and help remember paths for treasures like fruits and meat or maybe wood. This is not as critical today because our brains have developed and our memory helps us to find the best path to the supermarket. If you think about it, the web is the new way of carving into stone.

Cave painting

Think about a cave were everyone comes every now and then to look for information, this could be the search engines online. People enters the cave to look for treasures like restaurants or supermarkets for food. They look for that special someone to date, and also where to buy new tires for their futuristic automobile. They are looking for carvings of construction workers specialized in renovating or building their new home. The old technique of carving in stones are todays web, were most people in the world search for treasures. We will help them with the map to their treasure - your company.

Image of anmials in stone
Image of cavepaint